Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


Analyzing a Website

This paper is on the CDC, which stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It will analyze the CDC website to see if the criterion contained is reliable and accurate. To help evaluate the site is the Wolfgram Library from the Widener University. This is a guideline for finding the authenticity of every website. The Wolfgram Library can help the reader to recognize what he or she is looking at; for instance how to look for a personal web page, news web page, and an informational web page (Widener University, 2010). This paper will go over the way to find a proper web page or web site that he or she can use as credible information for the human service field.

There are four fundamentals to look for when obtaining information to research a website. They are Authority, Accuracy, Currency, and Objectivity (Widener University, 2010). Authority is the responsible party for the website and is clear on qualifications for doing so. An Accurate website contains information that is reliable and free of error. Currency is considered when the website was written and last updated. Objectivity means that there is little bias and that the website is fair. However, bias is everywhere and him or her need to determine what that may mean for each web site. These four qualifications for making sure a website is creditable are what this paper will use on the CDC web site. It will find each of the four to make sure that the site is credible.

The CDC website page is full of information on health and safety topics. To find what makes this website worth the research he or she needs to start at the top of the page and move to the bottom. To begin it is necessary to find the responsible party for the page; that will be his or her online source for credible health information. The website states the name on the front page for authoritative responsibility. The accuracy of the website will detail with recent updated reputable outside sources. This will be located on the right side of the page. There are links to take him or her to other sites for more information. The currency is on the right hand side and the bottom of the page. It gives a list of when the page was last reviewed, August 11, 2010, page last updated, August 11, 2010, content of source, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and who maintain the page, National Center for Health Marketing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). The objective of the website is fair and balanced. He or she can see that the website is reasonable with important information and getting that information out to the public. Therefore, he or she can see that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has all the fundamental of being a creditable website source.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a creditable website that would be remarkable for any research paper. The Human Service field could use this website for any question concerning health and safety issues.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010, August 11). CDC. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov

Widener University. (2010, August). Wolfgram Library. Retrieved from http://widener.edu

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