Sabtu, 10 September 2011


A couple of days after Google was held induction a garland of Dart-related domain names, and– a unavoidable charge of speculation, it has right away emerged which Dart is a new– programming denunciation for "structured web programming."

On Oct 10, during a keynote debate of a Goto discussion in Aarhus, Denmark, dual Google developers will betray a new– language. We can usually infer Dart's characteristics and– underline set until then, yet opportunely a Goto discussion website gives us a little really minute biographies about a Googlers who have been delivering a keynote, and– who have been as if a language's creators. Gilad Bracha, a maestro of SAP, Sun, and– a co-author of Java is a single of a speakers — and– Lars Bak, a author of Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, is a other.

Now, Google has already expelled a single denunciation in new story — Go — so you can pretence which Dart won't be a C-like system-oriented language. With a "structured web programming" moniker, it's additionally expected to be a little kind of interpreted, in-the-browser denunciation — so some-more similar to JavaScript or Python, and– reduction similar to Java or alternative gathered languages. One of a greatest hints, though, is which both Bracha and– Bak have worked at length with Smalltalk in a past — and– an interpreted Smalltalkesque denunciation would fit right in to a "structured web programming" mold, too.

The complaint with a new– web-oriented programming language, though, is which there have been already a ton of viable and– well-supported languages out there. Dart, if it is in truth an interpreted Smalltalk, would contest roughly without delay with JavaScript and– Python, a latter of which is a single of Google's many renouned languages. If use– Go as a yardstick, though, Dart will substantially be some-more of a curio than a groundbreaker — a denunciation which is written to categorically compromise Googlecentric issues, rsther than than an autochthonous programming denunciation emanate — and– who knows, outsiders competence find a use– for a language, too.

Yunico 11 Sep, 2011

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