Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Physical Virtue Solution To Assess and Train Neck Disorders, Microsoft Kinect And More As Shown This Week at the Israel Conference

This week I attended the Israel Conference in Los Angeles and what showing of new technologies.  You can use the link here or at the bottom the post to see what on the schedule and what companies were represented.  I was able to catch up with a few and of course I’m always on the look out for those technologies for imagehealthcare and I found a few individuals to speak with.  The first technology is called Physical Virtue and I was able to to talk with Dr. Hilla Saris-Bahat from Israel and watch several demonstrations on how the product works.  The therapy is simple and actually pretty relaxing as you learn how to move your head and neck with the help of the a trip lane video and moving an object around it.  I was able to watch the computer as others put on the “glasses” to try it out.  In watching others, the participation here looked very relaxing and who can’t use a little bit of that today. 

Dr. Hilla Sarig-Bahat took some time out and explained to me how it worked and the resulting analytics given on the computer.  She has a patent pending for the technology and has bee working on further development with interactive training for a while as it stands to shorten recovery times for injuries and even prevent chronic conditions.  She has a physiotherapy clinic in Israel and provides musculoskeletal rehabilitation for patients.  In addition on her website you can see her affiliation with the Microsoft Israel R and D Center.  Also in listening to the various panels and presentations during the day, they all highly promoted groups as such to where people can collaborate and create new and advanced technologies. too. 

From the Website:

Physical Virtue - Resolving neck disorders with VR training.Physical Virtue provides a reliable and accurate method for evaluation and management of neck disorders. The developed training method is interactive, motivating and pain distracting, suitable for people suffering from pain and stiffness in the cervical spine.”image

“Physical Virtue developed a custom-made virtual reality application (patent pending) that assesses and trains neck disorders. Motion tracking is used for analysis of cervical motion.

Our solution provides a reliable, functional and dynamic approach to cervical motion assessment and management. Our training is interactive, motivating and pain distracting, adjusted for home training. The Physical Virtue method has great potential to expand to other areas of medical rehabilitation. This project is supported by the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor.”

In addition I watched the Cool Content and Convergence with Microsoft/XBOX Corporate VP Ilan Spillinger, Genesis Partners General Partner Jonathan Saacks, LivePerson, Inc. CEO and Chairman of the Board Robert LoCascio, Mindspark InterActive Network CEO Joey Levin, Side-Kick Co-Founder and CEO Guy Bendov, Kaltura Chairman and CEO Ron Yekutiel.  I also had some time to chat with Ilan Spillinger from Microsoft about Kinect and during the panels he told his story on how both he and and the Kinect Technology came to Microsoft and how nobody had a clue that it would take off as it did with setting Guinness World Book records for sales. 

For the convention Kinect was shown with X-Box and what it does and then we got around to talking about Kinect in healthcare and what it does and how people are using it, since I post those items of interest here at the Quack.  Below are a couple of the prior posts if you want to catch up and see what’s going on with healthcare.  Side Kick, a Kinect game developer from Israel was set up with Kinect so everyone could go over and give it a whirl.  Ilan stated that right now the focus with Kinect has been gaming for the most part but that healthcare is not far off as we talked about screen resolutions and other areas that will certainly further be developed as time moves on, but he definitely saw the road in the future for more use in healthcare to come forward. 

Kinect And daVinci Surgical Robot Do Simulated Surgery Suturing Together (Video)

Microsoft Kinect Working with a PACS Server-Images on Steroids Via Gestures (Video)

Back to the overall conference I spoke many other companies and individuals as imagewell and learned quite a bit.  One message I think everyone walked away with from the technology side is that “learned computer” technology is here to stay and is being rapidly developed in almost every area of technology today.  Again when having the opportunity to talk a bit when I mentioned that I used to code the conversations with most immediately elevated to a very technical level too which was great, not that I didn’t want to hear the rest of what was said, but I kind of like to kick things around upstairs as I seem to be one of those types of individuals who always want to get a visual upstairs in the brain:)image

I also have to mention one company that kept everyone going and that was the Soda Stream company who has the amazing product that carbonizes water and allows you to make any flavor, diet and regular that you may want.  They had a drawing to give away a few of these and their booth was busy all day long.  All products are made in Israel and they have their US office located in Pennsylvania so this was good as we all like healthy flavored water. 

In addition we were all treated to a presentation from from Jonathon Miller, Chief imageDigital Officer, Chairman and CEO of the Digital Media Group for News Corporation.  He has just finished up his appearance at the D9 Conference here in Los Angeles as well.  His presentation was titled “The Name of the Game is Digital News” and he had a lot of interesting comments, thoughts and topics to discuss for sure and we were all well entertained for sure. 

In addition other companies represented were DocStoc and Kaltura which are 2 big names you might already be familiar with.  The video below is from YouTube which shows shows the VIP reception with a short discussion with a couple of them and explains the mission of the conference.  Docstoc said he shows up every year because everyone watches Channel 10 in Los Angeles:) 

Israel Convention–VIP Dinner

Again as I mentioned above everyone is here to do business and the focus is on “machine learned” technologies whether it is a video media business or a company serving up ad or coupons.  In addition one other company and individual I should mention is Tal Simantov the co-imagefounder and CMO of 5minMedia which is a web based application that serves up related videos for populating sites with related material.  Not too long ago AOL purchased the company and their publishers include About.com and the Huffington Post among many more.  I am working on a website for my sponsor SNN Wire myself and maybe looking at using their services myself before too much longer.

Again it was a great day with a lot of networking going on and my brain hurt at the end of the day but very well focused and again seeing some new healthcare and other technology focused companies was great.  I think about the average layman seeing all of this and on one hand I think it could have served to be a big awakening and point of education and then when you get to folks like me, it offers additional education levels with being able to have access and speak directly with the officers and other key individuals of the companies represented. 

At other conventions I have attended over the years there have been people hired to try to get attendees attention for conversations, but that was NOT the case at all here as everyone was in high gear to discuss, talk and share ideas and network.  Hold on to your hats as this next couple of years is going to transform digital technology into some entirely new levels and how it’s all going to play out together we don’t know as new innovations and collaborative efforts seem to occur almost daily anymore:)  BD  


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