Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

At Any Cost? A New Play About Prolonging Life Support

Starting next week, and coinciding with a major medical futility conference in Australia, is At Any Cost at the Ensemble Theatre.  A 2-minute video about the play is embedded below.  Here is the synposis:  "Des loves his wife Faith dearly, but she is gravely ill. The family must decide whether her intensive care treatment should be prolonged.  Des can’t bear to have any part in ending her life, but her three children vary sharply in their attitudes.  The power of modern medicine can prolong life but is there any point if the life prolonged is poor? The family conflict becomes intense, generating both dark humour and shock as devastating family secrets are inevitably revealed."

A press write-up about the play quotes the surgeon co-writer:  "three-quarters of the available health budget in Australia is spent on patients in the last six months of life and almost half is spent on the last month of life."  "Doctors can prolong life almost indefinitely for hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, but should we?"

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