Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Attack of the Show Investigates Data Mining–Are They a Browser or a Data Miner-Are We The United States of Algorithms or America?

This is yet another video that talks about privacy and at the end has a couple suggestions if you want to pay to see who is collecting your data, so keep that in mind when watching the video.  I don’t seem to think we had enough digitally literate judges in Vermont with their decision either.  The link below is a good read and points out a few other insane government opinions too.  No wonder the Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert march last year was such a success as this is the insanity they were talking about – DIGITAL ILLITERATE INTERPRETATIONS.  image

Vermont Judicial Ruling on Selling Data Mined Information Certainly Haunts of Huge Undertones of Digital Illiteracy & Tech Denial–There’s A Better Solution–Tax It!

Again, I say tax it as that would offer a better monitoring system and add some compliance here.  One other great video to watch is the one done by Stanford University which is about 30 minutes but a great presentation.

Data Mining and Private Information

If that is not enough privacy news today then you can read up here with a press release that talks about a new program called Xaxis that talks out of both sides of it’s mouth that says it will sell anonymous data, but for use to target users with coupons, etc. so how do you do that? 

“NEW YORK — GroupM announced today the launch of Xaxis, a global audience buying company that combines all of the demand-side data and technology resources of WPP (NASDAQ : WPPGY) and the trading leverage of the GroupM agencies into a single comprehensive resource. Housing the world’s largest pool of audience profiles in its proprietary database and reaching more touchpoints than any other solution in the industry, Xaxis empowers GroupM imageclients to deliver targeted advertising to global audiences more effectively than ever before. At launch, Xaxis will have a presence in 11 countries across North America, the UK, Europe and Australia, with plans to expand into additional markets later this year.

WPP’s introduction of Xaxis attests to the rapidly growing importance of audience buying and the demand for solutions that allow advertisers to target specific audiences directly, independent of website, app or media platform. Xaxis’ proprietary data management platform, which aggregates audience information across multiple online and offline channels, enables GroupM clients to target highly-specific Audience Portraits across the universe of addressable media. By reaching only the most relevant audiences via a variety of media platforms – display advertising, mobile ads, video ads and paid social media – Xaxis delivers dramatically improved performance at lower cost than other industry solutions”

WPP just bought back 300,000 of their own shares as an FYI.  The Telegraph in the UK has this to say, pay attention. 

“Xavis, a new venture by the advertising giant WPP, has built a huge database by pooling information from websites, advertisers and consumer research, The Independent reports.

The database base contains profiles of 500 million individuals worldwide. Xavis said it covers almost 100 per cent of the populations of the UK, US, Australia and eight other developed countries. The data are used to target advertising at web user based on their interests in the hop they are more likely to click.

"The internet is an advertising-supported medium, and much of the web is free because advertisers want to put messages in front of people," said Brian Lesser, chief executive of Xaxis.

"We are supporting the broader internet economy by improving the targeting of ads, while also playing by the strictest privacy rules."

License and Tax these folks now as lawmakers are over their heads and still can’t figure out copyright laws with embedding videos yet and may put us all in jail over that matter if we accidently embed something with a copyright. 

We are quickly becoming “The Untied States of Algorithms” that can’t figure out why investing on code only without tangibles attached won’t create jobs.  BD  

Privacy Wanted–So Let’s Require Those Who Sell Web Data to Register and Tax the Transactions and Publicly Disclose Who They Sell To With a Federal Registry

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