Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

New Report on Engaging Patients–Still Misses the Boat With Failure to Create Value for Consumers - “Magpie Healthcare” Paradigms

If you read here often enough you know this is one of my favorite rants and again no matter what everyone comes up with on a shopping list, the overall acceptance here is still a failure to show value for consumers, and this discussion has gone on imagefor a few years now and we just get more reports and band aid suggestions but the over all picture is still bleak.  Some companies do a better job than others and that’s a given but the overall solution of demonstrating value is not defined. 

There’s many reasons for this but it mostly comes back to lack of role models and what I call the “non participants” many of whom create these reports on what’s good for “those guys over there’ and yet themselves, they don’t do it for their own healthcare, so what gives <grin>.  If you don’t participate yourself, no stinking report or other form of media is going to get it going, and so yet today we have one more.  As a consumer, do you ever feel like you have this Healthcare Magpie just hanging on your back and constantly pecking you with it’s beak?

You can use the link and read the entire report and the “magical 10 suggestions” and again I am guessing this was created by a group of “non participants” as they usually are.  Occasionally I see some really great articles on the web on the topic and reach out and ask what they are doing them selves…answers…well…ummm…I’m going to do that soon <grin>.  It’s pretty standard but every once in I while I do get a pleasant surprise and kudos to those very few out there.  It’s funny as part of this big article/study talks about social media, and so where are those role models are they not social, don’t seem to be. 

I asked an “expert” on Twitter which PHR he used and he pointed me to an article he wrote for the Washington Post which was well done, and then I asked again which one do you use…well turns out the recognition he received in the Post was enough to show he was “genius” enough and didn’t feel he needed to participate, above all that stuff you know as that was the response I received in so many words when I suggested that participation in consumer Health IT really helps. I thought that was such a classic example of what we see and hear today. <grin>.

When it comes to PHR information the Medical Quack has over 400 informative posts imageand many “how to do it” posts as I began covering them since Google Health and HealthVault started and put links on my blog for both of them. I don’t see any other “experts” doing that?   I did a short imagesatirical post a while back, on choices consumers make on how to spend their time and it’s true.  You can also search the Medical Quack by Keywords and here’s how to do it.  These 2 links are always available in the header at the Quack. 

What’s On the Agenda Tonight–World of Warcraft or Work on My Personal Health Record

Kaiser Permanente has done a great job and far better than anything else out there in imagespeaking of a large healthcare concern.  They did their homework right and today it shows.  They communicate and if you look around the “interview” section here, I have interviewed a few of their folks and they offer some good information and part of their success is that they are “participants” and are not offering another version of “Magpie Healthcare” where the “experts” know what is good for you and the experts are not social or don’t participate.  Read this post from a short while back and get some insight as to what Kaiser does below and guess what others like the NHS are using some of the innovative idea that are created at Kaiser as they collaborate. 

Innovation and Learning at Kaiser Permanente – Interview With Chris McCarthy

The rest of us just are still stuck on innovation only and that brings to put a link to one of the most popular posts I have made here about how innovation without collaboration is fouling us the healthcare system.  This post is hit many times every day and retweeted every time I run it through Twitter too.

Innovation Without Collaboration Is Fouling Up The US Healthcare IT System–We Need Both As We Can’t Stand on Innovation Alone

We just keep spending more money on fact that nobody wants to see I think.  If you want to get consumers involved with mobile applications, create something that shows value instead of 10,000 apps that do one thing.  One other item that I see all the time is the press with calling consumers “stupid”.  What do you expect to get in return for “negative” motives for empowerment?  Think about it as that is one of the biggest turn offs around, I don’t like it either especially when it exists at government and Congressional levels too. You can’t help but miss that in the news too. Maybe I should post for a cease and desist for these types of reports too <grin>. 

Cease and Desist Request for Publishing News and Studies That Report on How “Stupid” Consumers and Patients Are

We don’t collaborate as well as we should in the US on many healthcare issues and we keep hearing innovation and have leaders that can’t take the next step beyond this word, and we are not short on innovators in the US, we have a lot of smart intelligent people, but so many don’t work together well and some of those same folks are the ones that dig up the “stupid” studies, as I guess it makes them feel like they are justifying the lack of collaborating that way

What happens when “stupid” makes “stupid” interpretations=insanity.  Articles in the news like announcing plans to improve Health Literacy kind of make me take a second look to as so many of the same ones with these ideas are just as Health Illiterate.  Let’s just call a spade a spade here and stop the paradigm of “its for those guys over there” and I think we might move along with some better methodologies. When’s the last time you could find even an image on the web with Kathleen Sebelius with as much as a cell phone in her hand?  Last time I looked I couldn’t find one but there were tons of images with Joe Biden snoozing…is Joe giving us a big hint here <grin>.

HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

Let’s just face the real facts that unless everyone is involved and promotes consumer Health IT, you will pretty much be ignored as the public doesn’t see any credibility here, a fact is a fact.  So let’s talk about something that does have value and where everyone misses the boat. 

Look at the drug recalls, now if a consumer had the empowerment to find them with their cell phone, well a miracle occurs, we find value and all those other mobile and other healthcare apps would benefit as once the VALUE has been established we move on to see what else can be done.  It happens that way all the time, happened with the PC, no big secret here. 

Everybody knows that has read this blog how I talk about bar codes and mobile technology and the recall systems and/or information it can bring in a very simple matter shows "VALUE”.  If I’m going to make a purchase at the drug store and want to see if a product has been recalled or obtain more information, shoot, point and aim and there’s my information – THAT IS VALUE.  A PHR has not crossed that road yet for the average consumer and thus so we need something that shows value to draw in the crowd. 

The other side of this issue too is privacy and we all know folks are out there scraping out data to sell it so combine this with “non participant” experts and no wonder things are tough and this report is not saying anything new at all. 

No offense to the writers at all, but just nothing new and someone got paid to do it on this latest revelation.  if you missed the article on how we are sold, this might open your eyes a bit too as we have this crazy dependence on selling data instead of maybe focusing on tangibles and we need balance.  We can’t keep spending on intangible algorithms only and build wealth. I would really like to see more investments with research and development than all the millions wasted on social networks and sure they have their place but geez someone writes a few algorithms for an application and millions flow their way today as it seems anything that resembles having a pulse is getting funded

Only 1 out of 100 will make it so we have a lot of useless applications, especially healthcare apps that just blow away in the wind.  Drug companies have found that out and retired a lot of what they created.  If we don’t apply some common sense here and collaborate beyond just a merger and acquisitions, we will sink and start living in houses that look like this!  We will end up going to the Budweiser or Coors Institute for Alcohol Addiction if current branding and insanities continue to take place without some balance and common sense. 

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” Just Like “The Greatest Healthcare System Ever Sold”- Same Paradigms-Colbert Report (Video)

Here’s one of my past articles on the same topic, but it hasn’t penetrated thick skulls yet and this was about a year ago. 

HHS To Conduct Study on Patient Perception on Health IT – Got A Better Idea Why Don’t They Become E-patients Role Models, and Participants – Make IT Personal and Believable

Here’s a real role model and is kind of pretty much of what we get too much of with this California member of Congress that can’t get over himself and has to do a radio show on his cell phone, while driving and the audience get’s to hear the cop pull him over, pretty typical of the folks that know what is “good for those guys over there”.   He doesn’t participate obviously with seeing safety with phones at all, he’s just stuck on himself and this is about as good as it gets today. 

US Congressional Representative Gets Pulled Over for Using a Cell Phone While Driving And Was Live on the Air Doing Radio Interview

The bar code program would enable consumers instant information and imagewith all the recalls we have had there’s your VALUE and it is the gateway for other areas of participation.  Sure it was my idea and others in this world have brain storms too and you may or may not agree with me but survey said hand down “YES” so I think I went about it in the right way.   By the way this bar code works too imageif you get curious and want to check it out and I even made up for one of my sponsors on the blog who will be publishing an article I wrote about it too in the next publication of Micro-Cap Review.  I’m not being paid by anyone to do this either, it just makes sense. 

Again if you want to read the latest information produced by this study there’s a link at the bottom of this post, but I’ll guarantee you it’s nothing you have not already heard and this is a call for those who are not participants to become participants and let’s get some role models out there.  Hopefully some of who created this assessment will find some time to perhaps get over themselves too and think about what “they” are doing today. 

How about hearing from the Surgeon General as she is a patient/consumer too, does she use her own software?  Inquiring minds want to know <grin>.  We don’t need any more Magpies swooping today.

Again, take a look at what I suggested and if you can improve upon the idea, go for it but it is one that shows VALUE, unlike what most of the other efforts I see out there today have failed to do, so ride on it’s coat tails too as that’s how we function. 

You want to see consumers engage, well turn us lose in the drug stores and other places to where we can keep up to date on FDA drug recalls and be assured we are taking safe medications and using products, like sterile wipes that are not full of bacteria and you will get patient/consumer engagement.  We could certainly stand for saving some money on studies that say the same thing over and over that are for the most part created by “non participants” and wasting everyone’s time.  Time is of the essence.  BD

NEW YORK – The Institute for Health Technology Transformation has released a report that compiles what key health IT experts from across the United States view as the best ways to engage patients in the digital age.

"Top Ten Things You Need to Know About Engaging Patients" was prepared by: Donna Scott, executive director of marketing strategy, RelayHealth; Howard Rosen, CEO, Life:Wire; Brad Tritle, president  and CEO, eHealth Trust Arizona; Shadaab Kanwal, director of clinical informatics, UCLA Health Sciences; Michael Brown, MD, chief information officer, Harvard University Health Services; Adam Clark, director of scientific and federal affairs, FasterCures, and member, ONC HIT Policy Committee; Pamela Law, MD, David Geffen School of Medicine '09, affiliated with Health 2.0; and Waco Hoover, CEO, Institute for Health Technology Transformation.

Top 10 ways to engage patients with IT | Healthcare IT News

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