Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Web Connected Breathalyzer That Tweets

Here’s another invention that is well, interesting.  From the picture all it looks like that is necessary is an Ethernet connection and the power cord and the dot net application does it’s thing. This is a mash up, a strange one and who knows where this technology might end up.  As you can see from the pictures it’s still very much in the rough and you also need the right hardware for sensing alcohol.  Now as far as the tweeting goes, it would make me nuts to see how sober or drunk one is, but again who knows. 

You can manually tweet or put it on auto pilot and the 2nd choice would certainly encourage me not to follow:)  BD 


There are many reasons to never tweet drunk, but reasoning is never high on the list of priorities under the influence. This is why you should just let this .NET-enabled breathalyzer mashup tweet for you.image

Developer Matt Isenhower posted this cool project to Channel9′s Coding4Fun community today as a sample implementation of his MicroTweet Twitter library for the .NET Micro Framework. Together with Netduino Plus, an open source electronics platform and an alcohol gas sensor, he essentially created an internet-connected breathalyzer that tweeted the results.

.NET Micro Framework enables breathalyzer to tweet – istartedsomething

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