Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Security Breaches Getting Attention Again–Patient Privacy Issues at Stake And It’s Everyone’s Concern and Problem To Solve-No Witch Hunts Please…

The problem seems to be growing larger and part of the reasons here, outside of “dumb” mistakes as far as taking data home on computers, is that the value of data and data profiles is rising.  If there was no value, nobody would want it, right?  I do take exception though to the comment from Representative imageJoe L. Barton in Texas as he states hospitals should be working harder at it, well most of them are working overtime on projects on such and it takes a digital illiterate Congressman to make such a comment. 

Digital Illiteracy Continues With Lawmakers at State Levels–Insane Laws Proposed And Being Passed-Financial Puppeteers (Video)

They have no clue at all.  I said not too long ago to not burn out the healthcare CIOs.   These lawmakers are the same folks that can’t get past abortions so again where he has grounds to comment is beyond me.  If you are not aware of the value of your data, watch the video from Stanford at the link below.  For every $ you spend on the web it’s worth around $42 to marketers to sell today.  BD

You Are the Product–Privacy Anonymity and Net Neutrality On the Internet - Excellent Stanford University Lecture (Video)

Even the public CIOs are feeling the pressure to these days with having to learn more about healthcare than they ever thought they would have to know.  Usually the rules and laws that these folks need to operate within are created imageby “non participants” when it comes to technology and that can make it very difficult and trying at times. 

Survey Shows CIOs Stressed About Work/Life Balance–Don’t Burn Them Out-Chapter 2

Just this weekend we had the PBS network hacked, so again it’s not due to lack of efforts in most instances, it’s just getting harder as the hackers get smarter and the price for human data keeps going up so if we could get rid of some of the steroid marketing out there today that misleads and confuses many, we could have a good start on at least discouraging some of this.  Rules are never enough if the hackers can create the algorithms to break in, government should know that by now and come out of denial.  BD   

“People need to be assured that their health records are secure and private,” Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services, said in an interview by phone. “I feel equally strongly that conversion to electronic health records may be one of the most transformative issues in the delivery of health care, lowering medical errors, reducing costs and helping to improve the quality of outcomes.”

So the administration is making new efforts to enforce existing rules about medical privacy and security. But some health care experts wonder if the current rules are enough or whether stronger laws are needed, for example making it a crime for someone to use information obtained improperly.

“The consequences of breaches matter,” conceded Dr. Farzad Mostashari, a former New York public hospitals official who recently became the Obama administration’s national coordinator for health information technology. “People say they are afraid that if their private information becomes known, they may not be able to get health insurance.”

“The health care industry is not as vigilant as they should be about protecting private information in a patient’s medical records,” said Representative Joe L. Barton, a Texas Republican who is co-chairman of the Bipartisan Privacy Caucus in the House.

Breaches Lead to Renewed Effort to Protect Medical Data -

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