Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Fooducate IPhone Bar Code Program Helps You Make Healthy Choices at the Grocery Store

I have written before about programs that utilize your camera in your cell phone for information and covered a similar product before. Fooducate seems to go beyond imagethe general information supplied by the manufacturer and compares their data base to items that you may not actually see listed or listed properly based on their research. 

NutriSleuth UPC Barcoding Company Kicks the FDA in Back End When It Comes to Food Safety-Using a Smartphone to Scan for Info

This is a healthcare application that shows value for the consumer as it’s simple and a no brainer, and we like those types of programs:)   Robert Scoble did an interview with the founder who explains how it works.

Now while on the topic we have all this nice technology to help us learn but when it comes to something that could kill us or make us sick, nobody cares with using bar codes for recalls, even the FDA, so I guess when it comes to those types of notices everybody turns a deaf ear which is sad.  At any rate watch the video and see what the program does, it’s pretty interesting.  Meanwhile everyone else on the mHeatlh side of things can continue to scratch their heads on why consumers don’t get more involved:) 

FDA Publishes Information on How to Identify Recalls – Why Not Scan That Stent With A Cell Phone and Make It Easy for the Public and Manufacturers To Keep Up, Notify And Automate Complianceclip_image004

“Recalls of both medical devices and drugs are growing for a number of reasons.  First of all, we have a lot more information available today than what we have ever had and we need to capitalize on this opportunity quickly.   We read in the news every day it seems about quality control issues, devices needing software updates and so on.  How do we get the word out quickly and efficiently?  If one has times they can certainly search the web and put out a full on effort to find all of this every day, but healthcare workers have the same problems we all have and that is time.  When human lives are involved, time is everything.  Too bad this technology can’t grow and earlier today I posed on Walgreens using bar codes on refills, which for the drug chain brings in money so I see the focus here with making it easier to refill versus the other pharmacies. 

Walgreens Releases Windows 7 Application Using Bar Code Technology To Order Prescription Refills

But safety and recalls with drugs, I guess they don’t care as if we kick the bucket it’s on less person to worry about if they eat right:)  BD

You're looking at a cereal your kid has picked up. How do you quickly imagejudge whether it's good or not? Did you know some cereals have transfats? What do you do? Try to decode the ingredients and read the label? No, you pull out your phone and use Fooducate which shows you clearly how good or bad something is. Here the founder demonstrates it. Get it at

YouTube - Must have mobile app at the grocery store: Fooducate helps you make healthy choices!

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