Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Windows Phone + Windows7 + Kinect + Surface + Speech Recognition – Wicked Technology and Integration

Wicked is about the best word I could come up with here.  When you watch the demonstration of all of these technologies together this is amazing.  I have used all imageof them separately but have never seen anything like this.  So far I’m a happy camper too with my Windows Phone and recently read where it’s the most secure device out there and that’s what I wanted.  If you have never seen any of Dr. Neil Roodyn’s material, he’s always coming up with a surprise and has been a very long time tablet developer

Cellphone Died This Week–My New Phone is Windows Mobile 7 - I Wanted Security, Privacy and Applications - In That Order

As mentioned below this is “in the wild” and done in Australia and not here in the US but they are a Microsoft partner by all means.  BD 


What could this do in healthcare?  Any ideas?  I tried and put my thinking cap on and for some reason it was not working too well as I tried to come up with an idea that could use all of the technologies at once, and I’m sure there’s ideas out there but my tired brain couldn’t think today.  BD 

Another post, another video featuring Microsoft Surface. This time, it’s nsquared, a Microsoft Partner from Australia who showed off this impressive demo during the TechEd Australia 2011 developer keynote this week.

I thought the integration of Surface and Windows Phone was particularly impressive and seeing a developer using the voice capability of Kinect was also cool.

As Long Zheng notes, you sometimes see this kind of integrated demo in our vision videos (or sometimes in Craig Mundie demos) but to see it in the wild is testament to what’s possible and to the capability of nsquared. Kudos to them!

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