Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

HHS Seems To Be Confused on Social Networks–Facebook for Disaster Support Contest, Give Me a Break Use Twitter Like Everyone Else Does

This is kind of what happens when you have executives in positions that don’t have some real Health IT background and I don’t mean this to be disrespectful but they get sold a bill of goods on data capabilities and it happens all the time.  CIOs face this all the time getting blind sided on applications and software installed without a central point of coordination when other departments think they know best. I’m not against Facebook and just spoke on how providers can use it to increase their number of patients, etc. (with a big word of caution on how to use it with privacy issues).  It’s a total crapshoot but it does work in ways that we don’t expect or can always predict.  image

I’m sorry but in my opinion here, this is joke and is not productive and in case of disasters is HHS not aware of the role that Twitter plays?  Have an earthquake, 2 seconds later it’s on Twitter, so wrong social network here I feel and just another way to expose personal data unintentionally.  I might guess that Ms. Sebelius has someone else do her Facebook updates anyway as that is what I seem to see a lot of with the old paradigm that lives of “its for those guys over there”.  Heck it’s all over Congress these days and flat out in the news with the huge numbers of “non participants” we have in Health IT today.  

My phone can send my location out easy enough without Facebook and again with all the privacy issues they have, I’m personally not a fan as the site ended up taking up so much of my time.  Twitter gives me time where most other social networks take my time so my profile is “dead” for that reason and is inactive.  If something comes up better than what we have now I can always re-activate it, but I have not reason to need it presently.  Again, until they get their privacy issues and stop selling my data, I don’t have any reason to keep the site open as other social networks are doing the job for me. 

Back to the point here I could in case of an emergency get a 140 line of text out a lot faster than navigating all the fat in Facebook and again don’t like my data being sold.  As a matter of fact we need to start licensing and taxing those folks that do sell data to slow it down a bit.  Companies are making millions off of selling data while doctors and hospitals continue to see cut backs and declines in drugs and services they need, send the taxes collected from the data miners here please! 

Privacy Wanted–So Let’s Require Those Who Sell Web Data to Register and Tax the Transactions and Publicly Disclose Who They Sell To With a Federal Registry

HHS has lost it on this one and someone got sold a bill of goods here and again I feel it comes around to those folks in executives positions that are the “non participants” but feel they have expertise to tell everyone else what they need?  I don’t buy it for a minute and it is really showing today in the news right and left if you look for it. 

Simple decisions sometimes on consumer Health IT are impaired with non participation and it costs us a lot more money and time when they need all those expensive studies, half or better could be eliminated with participation at the consumer level, like they want us to do <grin>.  They have to realize learning software takes time and consumers reach a saturation point and zone out and we are getting there, so again executives who were actual “participants” with consumer health technologies would go a long way today to snark out what is not needed, considered overload or whatever.  They don’t get it and a year so ago I asked about role models, we could use more of those and “fewer self proclaimed experts” these days.  Everyone on social networks knows how Twitter works in this capability so come on HHS be a participant here and stop trying to sway me over to where my data can be sold.  Isn’t HHS about privacy?  BD   

HS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

The HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is challenging software developers to create applications that will enable use of Facebook as a platform for connecting individuals during a disaster.

The office has launched the "Lifeline Facebook App Challenge," with prizes of $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place and $1,000 for third place. Entries are due by September 15.

HHS Looks to Facebook for Disaster Support

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