Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

DHS Official “We Have Dumbed Down Education System in US”- Not Enough Engineers & Too Many Performing Arts Graduates–Hiring at Defcon Hacker Meeting

You have to love this flat out comment of reality here with the unnamed expert stating that we have stereotyped people interested in computers in a bad way over the years and have far more students graduating in performing arts that we can use in essence.  For that matter, we have “dumbed down our Congress” too with denial and the focus on the OMG site of politics as well.  image

IBM Watson Capabilities Being Pitched to Financial Industry-Congress Must Not Have Felt They Needed This So Further Behind We Fall With Effective Intelligent Lawmaking

The article also goes on to talk about how Hackers are not your average employees and should not be treated as such either.  They need space and creativity.  It sounds like someone at Homeland Security is seeing the light here, and it’s about time.  Recently too I have stated that learning some kind of code as a hobby never hurts when speaking to the younger generation, that's what I did as an unusual baby boomer who had an interest.  I agree 100% with the statements though on categorizing folks like myself too as I have had it for years and add being female into the critique as well.  I can’t tell you how many years I was a “tablet goober” as I was seen and now look where we are. 

We have a Congress full of digital illiterates that doesn’t get the engineer problem at the imageFDA, same as businesses needing engineers!  Look at what this hacker did for security in mHealth and medical devices, this is a wake up call for all for goodness sakes!  Time to step back and work on security by all means. 

Black Hat Convention Diabetic Technologist Proves Security Holes With Mobile Medical Diabetes Pump Devices–Hacking Possible and Security Focus Needed

Here’s the real deal and watch this video as it tells all and this has been ignored for so long that now it is urgent.  Even today, with the S and P credit issue, the only ones with brains to question the math was the White House, rest are still living in denial.  BD 

World belongs to the geeks

LAS VEGAS -– In the sea of mohawks, piercings and tattoos, they stood out like uninvited guests. But the federal agents attending the hacker conference held this past weekend were not there to blend in.

They were on an urgent mission: to try to end the severe shortage of cybersecurity experts working for the federal government.

As cyber attacks continue to increase in both number and scale, the government has launched a massive recruiting effort to hire computer-savvy employees who can help defend the nation in cyberspace.

But the push to build the ranks of cyber experts faces challenges, including long waits for security clearances and a hacker community that has traditionally viewed the government with distrust.

In response, the United States has launched a massive cyber recruiting effort that has been called this generation's "Manhattan Project,” setting up camps and holding cyber competitions for teenagers and offering scholarships, internships and jobs in cybersecurity to young adults.

Such efforts are meant to make up for a long history of failing to encourage computer-savvy children and promote science, engineering, and math.

“Unfortunately we have this stereotype that people who are interested in computers at a very early age are nerds and therefore are worthless,” said a DHS official who asked not to be identified. “We are graduating more performing arts majors than engineers and pushing kids away from the hard sciences. We’ve dumbed down the education in this country.”

Dugle said the government is looking for cyber experts in all the wrong places. Raytheon, which has government cybersecurity contracts, recently hired a high school dropout who worked at a pharmaceutical plant and spent his nights displaying his hacker skills online, where he impressed Raytheon recruiters, Dugle said.

Feds Turn To Hackers To Defend Nation In Cyberspace

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